Music Therapy in the Nursing Home. A quality-of-life resource for your loved one.
Finding a Nursing Home. Some resources to help you locate and evaluate a nursing home.
How to Be Your Own Advocate. A guide to understanding the often bewildering nursing home environment and getting what you need.
Helping the Home Help Your Loved One. How to work with nursing home staff to get the best possible care.
The Family Council: Here to Support You. What a family council is and how it can help you solve problems and weather stress.
Why Your Family Council May Be Ineffective – and How You Can Change It. Common problems family councils face and suggested solutions.
Your Ombudsman Is Here to Help You. State-certified resident advocates available when you need assistance.
The Ombudsman’s Impact on a Resident’s Life. How a long-term care ombudsman helps a resident adjust to the nursing home.
Does Therapy (Physical, Occupational) Have to End? What to do when you are told your loved one has “reached a plateau” and must be taken off physical therapy.
Finding Your Way Through the Managed-Care Maze. How to make sense of the new rules for obtaining long-term care services in New York State.